When programmatic came to the Digital Advertising world, it created the promise of a more efficient way to buy media. It also the created the ability to know exactly the price you are paying for each Ad Impression. All the major agencies set up their trading desks, utilizing a technology stack made up of DSP’s, DMP’s and other technology that is all owned by the Agency Trading desk. Because the media is purchased in this way, the transparency benefit never became a reality. This is why more an more brands are setting up their own the stack, utilizing the various automated media buying platforms such as Google Ad Manager, Google Ad’s, Facebook Ads Manager, and more. These are all self service platforms that if mastered, can give Advertisers both efficiency as well as transparency. The challenge for brands will then be in how they can develop expertise in the utilization of Automated platforms. They can hire staff and try to build in house capabilities. This too can have challenges, as Digital staff constantly turn over. To retain staff, brands have to provide continual training and growth development. This is why agencies are starting to present a new business model. Audience IQ helps brands by setting up their own direct automated accounts and then providing the media trading resources to manage the platforms on behalf of the brand. This open and transparent business model is the way of the future and a trend we believe will continue to grow in the next two years.
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